How do you fill a casino every week?
Direct mail can send a crowd through your door—or it can end up in the trash. At directFX Solutions we have the experience to make sure your campaign is a full house every time.
The secret to direct mail is timing. The gaming industry sends hundreds of thousands of mail offers every month. But to create urgency these offers have an expiration date. That means that if a mailing arrives late, you paid to pad the recycling bin.
This is one issue where it doesn’t pay to gamble. directFX Solutions takes the guesswork out of timing your mailings. We barcode every piece and track it from our door to the customer’s, giving you real time data about delivery speeds. From this data we can plan the best shipping method for each ZIP code, putting your offer in their hands on the exact day you want it. As a bonus, you can often skip first class postage and save money, while still arriving on time.
That’s the kind of direct mail intelligence that not only drives response rate, it also lets our clients coordinate mail offers with email and mobile. And that means more chips are down at every table.